Thursday, May 22, 2008

James 1: 26-27 - This is What is Real Religion, So Please Pay Attention!

""If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this : to look after orphans and widows and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.."

Part 1 verse 26
The word 'religious' (Greek:threskos) refers to external observances.
The word 'worthless' (Greek:mataios) means 'fruitless or useless' and the word 'deceives himself' (Greek:apaton kardian heautiu) literally means 'to mislead and to seduce his own heart'.

The Bible is teaching us here that a religious man that God is pleased with is a person who can controll what he/her say and how he/her say it. We should know that what comes out from an person's mouth comes from the heart. Matthew 12:34 says "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. " and then goes on to say that a good man brings out the good that is stored in him and an evil man brings out the bad that is stored in him.

Part 2 verse 27
The Bible teaches us that God wants us not to pratice Christianity as a form of a religious ritual but to focus on living our lives right before Him. By our conduct of serving others and by keeping our character from being influenced by the world, that is the kind of religion that God is pleased with.

The 'world' here refers to 'anything that is contrary to the word of God'.

The Lord here is contrasting between mere ritualistic observances and real authentic acts of love to show us that what people commonly know as religion is not just a form of worship but a real lifestyle of right living and servanthood.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

James 1: 22-25 - True Freedom and Blessings Comes In Your Deeds

"Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard but doing it- he will be blessed in what he does."

Part 1 verse 22

It is not enough to actively listen to God's word but it is also very important to do what it says. The bible says very clearly that one must be a doer and not just a hearer that one must listen to God's word and respond in active obedience.

The word 'deceive' is the Greek word 'paralogizomai' which means 'to cheat or deceive by false reasoning'.
The deception comes when we think that just by listening and growing in our knowledge of God's word is sufficient enough but that is only the beginning. It must be followed through in our actions and deeds.

Part 2 verse 23- 24
The bible uses the analogy of a man looking into the mirror(the word of God), and sees the places where he should change and the right path that he should walk in. But the moment he turns away, he forgets what he ought to do and hence the power and grace given to him to walk with God is not used.

The verse says 'immediately forgets' shows us that this man hears and grows in knowledge but at the same time has this 'spiritual absent mindedness' that robs him of the true freedom and blessings that comes from God's word.

Part 3 verse 25

The way to handle the word of God involves a very important step and that is to have an intent and a sustained look with a readiness to respond to it is the key to spiritual strength and continues maturity.

The word 'looks intently into' (Greek:parakypsas) means 'to stoop down down' in order to have a good close look.

The paradox that one must note here is the verse 'the Law that gives freedom'. As we know, the law has its rules and regulations and suggests some form of a restraint and a lack of freedom. But God's law is not restrictive but we can through it be propelled into real freedom.
In John 8:31-32, Christ says ,'Hold on to my teaching, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.'

When we follow God's word, we will find tru freedom and be bless by God who gives us the grace to obey Him. Isn't that wonderful? HALLELUJAH!

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

James 1:19-21 - The Benefits of Listening

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.21 Therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."

Part 1 verse 19
James in saying 'My dear brothers' is once again identifying with his Jewish brothers and said 'take note of this' to show that what he is about to say is of great importance. God wants us to pay great attention to this detail.

It is better for us to learn to be good listeners as a good listener will be able to give better advice and understanding to the situation. It also gives the listener enough time for God to speak to him/her.

The man who listens rather than lambasting will be less likely to become angry and intolerant.

Part 2 verse 20
Ephesians 4:26 says 'In your anger do not sin..' Anger may provoke ill reactions what will not bring about the kind of godly living that God is pleased with.

Part 1 verse 21
God wants us to put aside and not having any form of moral filth(lusts,sensuality,corrupted heart) and accept God's word regularly. The word implanted means that the word of God needs to be ingrown or inborn in our hearts. To be grown in fertile soil and it takes time to grow and bear fruits in our lives.

Ultimately God wants us to not be given to our sensual passions, the spirt of the moment kind of fleshly desires but to have a ear for listening and discerning what God's direction is based on His word. By cultivating the soil of our souls, we can hide God;s word in which can save us in times of our needs.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

James 1:16-18 - Knowing God and Leaning On Him Will Set Us Free And Give Us Victory

""Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.18 He chose to gave us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created""

Part 1 verse 16-17
The difference between God and the Devil is that God gives good gifts to us because of His great love for us in His grace and mercy.

The shadow from the sun may shifting according to the time of the day but our heavenly Father does not change. He is always the same God who is good and loving.

The words "Every good and perfect gift is from above" literally mean ""Every good act of giving (Greek:dosis) and every perfect gift(dorema) is from above".

The way to escape from temptation is to rest in the blessings and freedom of God. To have close fellowship with Him and feed on His word.

Part 2 verse 18
The words 'first fruits ' refer to us as the regenerated believers that we are God's treasured possession and to be holy unto Him as the first fruits were consecrated to Him. As Matthew Henry says 'Christ is the first-fruits of Christians, Christians are the first-fruits of creatures. '

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

James 1:13-15 - Knowing Yourself And Knowing Your Enemy Will Lead You To Victory

"When tempted, no one should say,'God is tempting me.' For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

Part 1 verse 13
Here in the bible, James offered a rebuke to the believers of God when they think that they sin because the Lord gave them a test by tempting them and therefore they fall. James felt that this is a wrong and irresponsible way of thinking and is clarifying this here.

It is said very clearly and directly that God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempts. Evil cannot even make an appeal to God because God is untemptable (Greek:apeirastos). God oftens tests a believer to mould and strengthen the person's faith but he does not tempts.

Part 2 verse 14
James made it clear that the source of temptation lies within the person; it is his/her own evil dsire and cravings of the flesh that allows him/her to be pulled away and enticed. It is like a fish that is lured out of its place of hiding and enticed by the bait. The Greek word 'deleazomenos' means to bait, to catch a fish with a bait or hunt with snares. The Devil lies in wait to enticed believers into sin and away from God's will for their lives.

Part 3 verse 15
The cycle of sin is that a person is first being dragged away and enticed, then the desire comes and it's offspring is sin, and then it results in ultimate death.

The key here is for a believer not to be enticed by his/her own evil desires but to flee from it and keep it in check.

The wrong choice to allow oneself to be enticed and ultimately have a desire to sin will lead to death.

The right choice of fleeing away and going to God will result in blessings. It can be tough at times, but when one consider the consequences that sin can bring and believe the Lord who says that we will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7), it helps us choose to flee from sin.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

James 1:12 - Blessings Come through Perseverance

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verse 12
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."

The Bible says that God will bless the man who has perseveres under trial. To the man that continues to walk with God, the Lord will reward him with the blessings of life.

The crown is life because the crown consists of life.

Going through a season of trials in life is not easy, but to the person who constantly asked the Lord for wisdom to see the benefits of it, the Lord will give the person the right attitude to go through it and then bless the person after he has endured them.

The Lord is a good God. To the one who seeks God, the prove of his love would be seen in the way the person endures tough times.

The crown of life here refers to the eternal life that is promised to all believers through the enabling of God's Spirit and could also refer to the full life here now on earth as said in v4.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Studying the Book of James - True Riches Comes From Knowing God

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verses 9-11
verse 5
"9 The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. 10 But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. 11 For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business"

The bible teaches us that when we find ourselves poor, we should not be envious of the person who is rich. We who are in Christ can stand tall in the fact that we have an eternal glory in Christ. We can boast in our exaltation and the fact that we are rich in the Lord, Heirs of God and co-heirs in Christ.

When we are rich, we should also not boast in our riches but in the fact that we are humans who can fail. In our human fraility, consider that our riches itself cannot obtain for us eternal riches and rest. Social prominence, wealth are things we can be so tempted to cling onto and placed our self-worth on, but these are things are are temporal, like the sun that withers the plant with its intense heat and destroy it.

So let us know the truth that only by walking with the eternal Lord and finding our satisfaction in Him can we truly be rich and happy.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explaination to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Studying the Book of James - The Need for Wisdom And The Sure Way To Obtain It

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verses 5-8

verse 5
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him"

The high goal that trials can obtain for us, namely spiritual maturity and fulfillment can be hard for us to comprehend. That's why we need the Lord to provide for us wisdom in order for us to see and accept that the future benefits far outweighs the momentary struggle we may face.

The greek word for 'wisdom' is the word 'sophias'.

verse 6
'But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.'

The bible says that there is a prerequisite in receiving wisdom from God, and that is we must first believe and not doubt. Believe what? Believe in the fact that God is one who is faithful and will do what He says. His character is unchanging and He is able and will give wisdom to those who asked. Because they want to do His will.

The word 'doubt' is the Greek word 'diakrinomenos', it means to sway from one side to the other, or to oscillate. Like the wave of the sea being blown horizontally and tossed vertically by the wind.

verses 7-8
'That man should not think he will received anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man,unstable in all he does.'

The word 'double-minded' (Greek : 'dipsychos') means 'two-souled' is seen as a drunkard man.

The Lord is not pleased with the person who is double-minded in his/her asking, because it shows a lack of confidence in the character of God. As a result the Lord may not be given the full glory because the person is in the first place unsure of where the source may come from.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Studying the Book of James - The Benefits of Trials

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verse 4

"Perseverance must finish its work so that you will be mature and complete, not lacking in anything."

The final benefit of perseverance is spiritual fulfillment and maturity. Real rest comes when one has learnt the secret of trust in the midst of life's storms. For the devil may try to change and influence all that we see, touch, feel, hear but he can never touch our faith in the Lord if we hold on to it.

The work 'Mature'(Greek: teleioi), means 'perfect or 'finished' while the word 'complete' (Greek:holokleroi) means 'whole' when put together means to be perfect all over or fully developed in every part.

Christians can go through all kinds of trials with joy when they learned to go through it in faith, perseverance comes into the picture and if perseverance is fully stretched with time, it makes this man/woman a person that is thoroughly mature and lacks nothing.

Through experiences of pain, struggles and yet depending on the daily provisions of God for the soul, body and mind, a christian matures and hence is able to better guide others who goes through a similiar trial.

The key is to persevere with a good attitude, always believing that it is God's plan to make us a better person through this.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Studying the Book of James - Joy In the Midst Of Trials

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verses 2-3

Verse 2

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds".

Part 1

The word 'pure joy' means 'total joy, joy that is full and unmixed'.

It is important to note that James encouraged the Jewish people who are facing trials among the Gentiles to be joyful not for the trials but in the trials. He called them 'my brothers' to show that he identified himself with them and had compassion on them.

The word 'face' (Greek word :'peripesete') means to 'fall into', like one falling into a bad and possibly dangerous situation like a financial crisis or a family fight/quarrel.

It is important to note here that the 'trials' referred here are external trials(Greek word: peirasmois) or tests of stamina and not internal ones welling up from within oneself like lusts and greed. This form is being told in verse 13 of the same chapter but not here.

Part 2 : How Can A Person Find Joy in Trials? By Understanding the purpose and advantages of it

Verse 3

"Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance".

Christians can be joyful when facing trials when they know the advantages and blessings that comes out of it.

James here says 'because you know..' indicating that this is no new revalation to the people but a simple reminder for them. The already knew it, just that they need encouragement.

The word 'know' (Greek word:ginoskontes) means 'knowing from experience.

The word 'testing'(Greek word: dokimion) refers to 'approval' rather than 'proving'.
Faith is like gold standing in the midst of the hot fire, produces perseverance as one goes through trials. And it seems very important that this perseverance be developed in ones life to God.
True Faith will stand and has the staying power despite the great heat from the fire.

The word 'perseverance' (Greek word: hypomonen) means 'steadfastness or endurance in the midst of difficulties'

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Studying the Book of James - Verse by Verse- James 1:1

The Book of James Chapter 1 verse 1

Verse 1
"James, the servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations."

Part 1
The person whom God used to write this epistle is believed to be the half-brother of Jesus, James. It is very likely that James is well-known among the people that this letter was targetted at because he did not have to give his status or that he is the half-brother of Jesus and also suggested that he has a recognised authority to write a letter of this kind. His opening was simple and modest.

Part 2
The word servant means a 'bond servant' (Greek word 'doulos') one who belongs to his master and serves without pay.
In this case, James is saying that He is a property of the Lord and is dedicated to the service of Him.
Even though James could have called him his brother, he nevertheless recoginsed the diety of the Lord.

The word Lord means 'King', Jesus means 'Saviour', and Christ means 'The Messiah' or 'The Annointed One', .

Part 3
This letter is addressed to the twelve tribes of Israel who are 'scattered'(Greek word:'diaspora'), not lost but scattered, among the Gentiles of the nations.

The twelve tribes are namely : 'Judah,Reuben,Gad,Asher,Naphtali,Mannaseh,Simeon,Levi,Issachar,Zebulun,Joseph and Benjamin'.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

It Is Not How Hard You Fight But How Much You Believe

In the story of David And Goliath, David a shepherd boy facing off with a man-mountain, Goliath. David has in his hand a sling and a stone while Goliath arms himself with a shield and a sword.

To the spectator that looks at this two contenders standing face to face with each other in a show-down where one will live while the other dies, it is not hard to believe that this is a one-sided fight. There is no hope for this young boy against this strong and mighty giant of a man, Goliath who has the skills and experience to fight. If they are to place their bet, very likely they will put them all on Goliath.

But as the fight starts, David swung a stone at Goliath, and the mighty force of the Lord who was with David caused that one strike to defeat this giant enemy. The power and the accuracy behind the stone was the Lord's arm. He is the one in battle while David was just an instrument He had used to fulfill his purpose and plan and yes God can used even a shepherd boy.

As I was watching the movie "One Night With the King today", I learnt from a statement made by the character Esther, that the best thing about the fight between David and Goliath was this..."It is not how hard David fought, but how much He believed God". While the rest of the Israelites feared the enemy, David looked at him and believed that the Lord will slay the enemy and provide victory for him and for the nation of Israel.

Beloved, whether we are facing obstacles or things in our lives that causes us to worry and fear.... Maybe it is the insurmountable tasks you are responsible of doing in the office, maybe it is people around you that puts you down, maybe it is the relationship that you are praying to be made whole, or your child who has gone astray.... or the sickness that remains in you... whatever it is... this day, let's choose to look to God who will deliver us... Look to the one who will help us overcome and gives us victory in love. he has promised that when we pray to Him, He will answer us.

John 11:40"
Jesus said to her, "Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"

Let's put our trust in the Lord today and see His glory in our lives.

God Bless!

What Should I Do When I Go through Pain?

The first thing that comes to a person's mind when he/she lives through pain is that nobody understands. Like it or not, that is one thing we all struggle to come to terms with.

A man/woman is not meant to live alone, much less go through pain alone.

Emotional Pain tends to isolate a person and saps his/her strength away. It is tough living through such a season in life and therefore every bit of comfort will sooth the painful soul is much sought after whether through healthy activites of harmful ones. The choice can be made correctly when you have a friend standing with you.

I believe the first thing a person should do is to come into a community of friends during this season of pain. I have seen some of my close friends who cannot find a group that is mature enough to understand and give help.... but don't give up... keeping searching and praying because this is very important to have a friend/ a group to support you. And dont blame the person who is helping you.... he or she is trying their best in the way they know how.

Learn to communicate your struggles and let the other party know how to best help you. That creates an environment of openess and trusts. Through open communications, both party can help each other learn and grow.

The second thing is to let out your emotional pain through activities or sports. it is very important when dealing with pain to not keep it inside your heart for too long. There must be a correct way to let it out so that it does not accumulate to unhealthy levels.

The third thing is also to let your mind relax. Through constant sharing with a friend or mentor who understands, the words, comfort and encouragement you hear from such a person can help you shape the way you think. It is not easy to walk alone and every needs a friend to listen.

The last thing is to allow healing to take place in your heart. Love must flow into your heart for that healing to take place. That area of brokeness must be mended by love and the feeling of being valued and prized can bring about that healing and restoration, without which a person cannot be fully healed.

And as a Christian, I know that prayer and worhsip to the Lord Jesus brings freedom and rest to one's mind and soul. God's super- abounding grace brings forth such peace and strength that one can feel recharged and hopeful in life's situation. God's love can provide that anchor and assurance that with Him by your side every second of the day... the rest of your questions and doubts are answered!!

God Bless!

He Offered His Love and His Life

If you are a King... mighty and powerful... having the authority to command all the forces in the world to do as you say....having the influence and the wisdom to answer all of life's questions... what would you offer to this world that we are living in today?

If you are someone who has the power to create and call things into existence those that are not.... and has the power to destroy all things you find displeasing in your sight.... what would you do to this world that we are living in today?

This world of joy, pain, peace, strife, laughter, tears, wealth, poverty, different religious and world views, different practices and beliefs... is the real world we live in.

What will you if you are an omnipotent individual choose to offer?

Well... let me share with you what the Lord Jesus Christ chose to offer..

The Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of heaven and earth, having considered all these chose to offer His love and His life to a world that is seeking these within themselves.

When you are feeling down and alone, look to the Lord and find His presence with you.

When you have lost someone, look to the Lord and find His comfort.

When you are sick and needs healing, look to the Lord who is your healer and restorer.

When you need love, look to the Lord who can supply all the love that you need and ever will need.

Now you may ask,"" U-jin, it is so easy for you to say this.. what about those dying, those in poverty, those abandoned?"

My friend, when you and I are being touched by God's love, we shall go forth in kind and in deeds to these people.

The Lord meant for you and I to go forth and bring His healing to the nations. Give your money, time and expertise to help wipe our sysmatic poverty today with God's love.

To the world that is lost .... The Lord offered his life. "I am the Ressurection and the Life. Whoever believes in Me will live" John 11:25

To the world that needs shelter and protection, the Lord offers his love. "For God so loved the world that He gave his only beloved son, that whosever believes in in will not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

He offered His love and His Life to this world that we live in.

God Bless!

How Do I Walk Through Pain With Someone?

Have you been through life see a friend feeling pain for a considerable amount of time?

Pain causes a person to see things in a whole new way. It can remove pride, gives you strength and helps you move closer to God. Growing in wisdom and inner strength through its experience.

Pain may also have negative effects.... It may create more negative thoughts, develop a low level of self-esteem, develop a sense of isolation, makes a person more moody and easily irritated.

And the positive and negative effects of pain can both take place at the same time in a person's life.

"Nobody understands!" Thats what he/she will say... True isnt it? Nobody really understands unless they go through it before or if they choose to walk alongside with you to listen and to contemplate, putting themselves in your shoes rather than from their own perspective.

It involves time and also trust both in the person who is going through it and also for the person who is walking alongside you. It involves looking beyond the person with the pain, and see the transformed life that this pain, if properly dealt with , can do in his/her life.

Words of correction should be given in a creative way. More than 70 percent of people I know are not receptive to such direct and harsh words when they are in the center of such a struggle because the opposite side does not fully consider and understand things surrounding such a behaviour or situation. Things like family culture, their background, work pressures , the pain that coexists with these.

I have learnt recently that before i give advise to anyone, I need to consider the things that are happening to him/her. Her family situation, her background, her level of understanding, the pressures he/she faces and the best approach to communicate.

It is always easier to put your experience and knowledge and apply it to a given scenario, but it takes prayer and contemplation to know what to say and how to say it. Thats why King Soloman asked the Lord for an understanding heart, that He can rule his Kingdom with justice and stability.

An understanding heart puts one into the persons shoes, as if living his/her life... and then see through thoese eyes into the world and situation he/she is describing.

Then advice and instructions with love can come through better and more effective. Winning the person over rather than challenge I believe should be the approach in this season of pain.

Comfort and advice in the same way the Lord offer that to you.

I also believe that pain is good but dont expect a person to always take it well when he/she is going through it. King David said in the psalms that he wrote, that even though he was a Brute Beast, the Lord holds his hand.

The Lord loves us even when we go through pain. He doesnt rejects us or blames us when we struggle and become rebellious. To Him, it is better to have you by His side with your struggles then to not have you at all.

He offers strength and comfort in hope that one day You and I will rise up and be strong!! You will see the light in the midst of your pain one day... our tears will be turned into Joy!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Are You Fighting the Right Battle?

I was watching this movie called "Dooms Day" just the other day. It is a story about a city in England who was sealed up and isolated and the people there left to die when an uncurable and deadly plaque broke out.

30 years later, a team of soldiers were sent back into the city to search for a cure because apparently there were some survivors who did not die from the plaque.

Inside that deathly place, there was a war going on between 2 parties. When i saw the fighting scenes and the anger they had against one another, the Lord spoke to me there in the cinema of the verse in Ephesians "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

I was reminded at how sometimes we have conversations in the office, at home, at school where a war of words take place. Each party cut the other down with words as their swords and most of the time casualties results in both side and the relationship sours after that.

My friend, the bible says that our battle is not against our friends, colleagues, families,service providers. Rather, the bible teaches us that we are to love our neigbour and treat them like how we would like them to treat us. To speak to them in Kind words even when at times they are sarcastic, or stress up.

The bible exhorts us to be a good testimony in Phillipians 1:27 "Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ."

When we feel angry because of the embarassment that results from the other party's actions or words, let us endure and not to respond with the wrong attitude. Let us not treat them like our enemies because they are the ones our Lord Jesus died for as well.

Dear Lord, help us this day to love as you love and to give as your gave. Give us inner strength when we are the victim of verbal abuse, let us be cool-headed as your word says in 2 Timothy 2:24 "A servant of the Lord must not quarrel; instead , he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful." and let us respond with the attitude that will bring glory to your name.

In Jesus Name we pray, Amen!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Why Not The Best? - Jimmy Carter (Ex-American President)

Excerpts from the book "Ordering Your Private World" - Gordon Macdonald

For many years Admiral Hyman Rickover was the head of the United States Nuclear Navy. His admirers and his critics held strongly opposing views about the stern and demanding admiral. For many years every officer aboard a nuclear submarine was personally interviewed and approved by Rickover. Those who went through those interviews usually came our shaking in fear, anger, or total intimidation.

Among them was ex-President Jimmy Carter, who years ago, applied for service under Rickover. This was his account of a Rickover interview:

I applied for the nuclear submarine program, and Admiral Rickover was interviewing me for the job. It was the first time I met Admiral Rickover, and we sat in a large room by ourselves for more than two hours, and he let me choose any subjects I wished to discuss. Very carefully, I chose those about which i knew most at the time - current evemts, seamanship, music, literature, naval tatics, electronics, gunnery - and he began to ask me a series of questions of increasing difficulty. In each instance, he soon proved that I knew relatively little about the subject I had chosen.

He always looked right into my eyes, and he never smiled. I was saturated with cold sweat.

Finally, he asked a question and I thought I could redeem myself. He said,"How did you stand in your class at the Naval Academy?" Since i have completed my sophomore year at Georgia Tech before entering Annapolis as a plebe, I had done very well, and I swelled my chest with pride and answered,"Sir, I stood fifty-ninth in a class of 820!" I sat back to wait for the congratulations - which never came. Instead, the question,"Did you do your best?" I started to say,"Yes Sir," but I remembered who this was and recalled several of the many times at the Academy when I could have learned more about our allies, our enemies, weapons,strategy, and so forth. I was just human. I finally gulped and said,"No, Sir, I didnt't always do my best."

He looked at me for a long time, and then turned his chair around to end the interview. He asked one final question, which i have never been able to forget - or to answer. He said,"Why not?" I sat there for a while, shaken, and then slowly left the room.

That encounter became the thought-starter for Carter's book Why Not The Best?

Dont stay on the ground. Get Up!

Frenchman MIcheal Poist-Prayers for Life.

"I am ashamed of being seen by you, for you love me and i forgot you.
I forgot you because i was only thinking of myself.
One can't think of several persons at once and one must choose and I chose.
I dare not make any more promises and i can only stand bowed before you Lord."

Lord :
"Come on my son,look up. Isn't it not mainly your vanity that is wounded.
If you loved me, you will grieve but you will trust.Do you think there is a limit to God's love?
Do you think or a moment I have stopped loving you?
But you still rely on yourself son, you must rely on me. Ask my Pardon and get up quickly.
You see, its not falling that is the worst, but staying on the ground."

It Is Not About Them Anyway!

Today as i was worshipping God, the Lord showed me a wonderful revelation. He showed me that if i ever had a problem with another person, a guy or a girl, the real problem is not about me and that person,it is actually about me and God.

The Lord opened my eyes to see this and I was humbled.

Mother Teresa once said this :
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway You see,
in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.

My friend, if your heart is feeling small and you are critical about somone, the Lord wants you to come to Him and rest, to give it to Him and allow Him to soothe your pain and heal you. To give you strength and love to overcome the animosity you feel inside you. Only He can bring that real healing to you.

So do not try to over-rationalise or struggle to work things out even though you should act correctly at all times. Becuase ultimately, it is your relationship with God and the comfort that you received from Him that will give your heart and mind the true rest. So go and settle the unrest in your heart with God today!

Matthew 11:28-30
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

God bless you!

The Ability to Give Lies In Your Ability To Believe

The principle of tithing or giving to the Lord does not lie on the fact that the amount you give is large or small. The bible does not say that if you give your one month's salary to the Lord, the Lord will be so pleased and bless you more than the brother or sister who gives only 50 dollars.(By the way i truly believe based on God's word that God will bless you more in return of the faith you put in when you and I tithe, it is an undisputed fact).

The key behind tithing or giving to the Lord i have learnt lies in the heart. At the moment when you decide to give, the amount you give based on God's prompting or based on your own sincerity to give unto the Lord... that is the key to it all. When the Lord moved your heart to give and at that moment, you decide to give according to your faith, the Lord will honour that and the Lord who sees your heart will bless you with much more in return.

In Luke 21:1-4, it tells us about the story of a poor widow who gave only 2 copper coins to the temple treasury... the rest of the people who visited the temple gave a lot more... If you had been there, you probably could have seen and heard the large numbers of coins they pour down or the expensive gifts they bring into the treasury.

But our Lord made a very remarkable statement. He gives honour to this poor widow because she did not give a fraction of what she owns but all that she had to live on to the Lord. Jesus sees that though this woman was poor, she had a heart of faith so big that she could give all to the Lord and still be able to live because God will sustain her.

My friends, the bible is not calling us to give all our wealth away today... but rather... what is our response to the Lord today? Do we hold back when He calls us to give or do we bargain and turn a deaf ear?

Today, if the Lord speaks to you to give unto Him according to your faith, don't hold back... the Lord does not despise how big or small your gifts are... Just give in response to the Lord and He will surely bless you in return.

The Lord promises in Luke 6:38 "Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

So let's give joyfully to the Lord and know that based on God's word, your obedience will be bless by His faithfulness!!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dont forget to click on the "Save" Button

I am sure in your daily life, you must have used a word processor before, whether is it Microsoft word, excel, notepad etc...

You know how when we used a word processor document, you can start typing all your contents and paste all the pictures you want on the document itself. You can modify and add more contents, placed tables in it in any way and order you want. But the information will sit on your screen and not be saved into the memory of your computer until you hit the "Save" button.

You see the computer does not actually recognise the content and store it in memory until you press "Saved". The minute you do that, the computer allocates the information to an address in its memory and store it in there permanently. It can then be retrieved and reused.

The same applies to reading the word of God. As we read, the Lord may speak to us, give us visions, correct our thinking, help us grow in the knowledge of Him. But until we hit the "Save" button... the information will not be stored in our mind/hearts.Until we decided to save the things God has shown to us, this information/revelation can be lost. It is therefore important my brothers and sisters that we saved God's word in our heart and minds, stored it in memory.

A Transformed life through the work of God happens when we decide to
First: the internalising of God's work
Second: the outflowing/Doing of God's word

After we store it in memory, we can then take it out and used it in life. It is like a tool or a weapon or a receipe we can use daily. It brings forth such power and delight... such sweet aroma, like a chef cooking a new dish or a man showing off his new car. =)

The Bible says in James 1: 22 "Do not merely listen to God's word , and so deceive yourselves. but Do what it says"

When we do the word of God, not only does God bless us, He makes us very successful.

The Lord said to Joshua " Be Careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go". Joshua 1:7

So let's draw near to God today, let's surrender our will and self-righteousness and put down our own wisdom and self-confidence and turn to God. Let's humbly accept God's word and lean on Him, asking Him for strength and grace to obey His word.

His word is not burdensome but a delight to all who love Him.

God Bless!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Better Than The Pirates Of The Carribean!!

The Bible says in Mark 4:35-41 that Jesus and his disciples were on a boat when a storm arose and threaten to sink the boat.

The situation was rough and the circumstances dangerous, the disciples were frantic. They really thought that all of them were going to die. So they ran to where Jesus was,(Jesus was asleep in the stern) and ask Jesus ,"Teacher (not GOD)... aren't you worried that we are all (including him as they did not know who he really was at that time) going to sink and die." They were saying... "We need to think of a way now... we need to decide to jump boat or something...Quick!"

Jesus got up, rebuke the wind and said to the waves,"Quiet, Be STILL". And the waves and the wind died down and there was total calm. Jeus turned to them and said ,"What are you afraid. Do you still have no faith?"

Now what is Jesus actually trying to say here?

You see my friend, when we hear these words, we tend to look at ourselves and examine the size of our own faith. We do a Spiritual assessment of our own faith and see if today it is big or small or if it is even there.

But my friends, that was not what Jesus meant. He is actually asking,"Why are you so afraid... dont you know who I am?"

You see my friend, the bible never teach us to look at our faith level... Instead the bible teaches us to look at Jesus and know who He is... then our faith will be formed automatically/naturally.

Heb 12:2 calls us to "Fix/Focus/Set our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our?" "FAITH"!

Let me share with you a story to illustrate this ... say for example one day you are walking along the streets with a person you got to know.(He is actually an influential marketplace leader of that territory but you dont know. Even the gangsters listened to him).

As you are walking with him along the busy streets, suddenly you saw in front of you 2 groups of gangsters waiting to fight one another... You immediately turned to your friend and said,"Hey let's get out of here, a big fight is going to break out." Your friend instead walked ahead of you and said to the 2 groups of gangsters "Stop! Dont fight here!".

To your surprise, the 2 groups upon seeing and hearing his voice ,said "Sorry sorry, we will leave now. Sorry Sorry..".

Then you friend turned to you and said, "Dont be afraid! dont you have any faith?(Dont you know who i am?)".

You thought to yourself ,"Wah! Who is this man ? Even the gangsters listened to him."

Likewise in verse 41, The Disciples said among themselves"Wah! Who is this man? Even the wind and waves listened to HIm".

My Friends, Do not look at your own faith today... instead look to Jesus and see who He is. Allow Him to speak to you through His word daily and when the storms in your work,school,family rose again... you know you have got the God of heavens and Earth, the leader of all, the Prince of Peace with you. And He will say to the storms in your life... "Quiet! Be Still." and they will have to bopw down to His command and authority.

My friends, the Lord love you deeply. He has you as the apple of His eye. So be at rest... He has you safe in His arms today.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Door is not Locked!

Have you ever done something wrong and wished that people will not scold you for it?

Do you feel afraid of others having a bad opinion of you? Or may people has excluded you in their "Gang".

Well, we all in one way or another dont like the feeling of being "REJECTED" dont we?

We want to feel welcomed, liked by others, having friends and love ones around us.

I thank God for my Mum.... i remembered some months ago, i told my mum i will be coming home late and forgotten to bring my key ... MY Mum just said this to me "Okay... the door is not locked!". Wow! Those words touched my heart immediately to know that i am welcomed home. Don't we all like to hear someone say to us, "Son/Daughter/Friend... you are welcomed! The door is unlocked when you come back!"

My friends... thats how our Heavenly Father treats us. He tells us that when we come to His house.. the door is unlocked... it is not shut.... in fact He will wait there for us to welcome us when we returned.

In Luke 15:13- 31, the Bible tells a sotry about the parable of the Lost son who ran away from his father and spent all his father's money on wild living. Finally, broke and penniless, this son decided to go home to be a servant to his father.

But the Father was waiting for him, scanning the horizon everyday for his return. When the Father sees his soon coming back from a distant, the Father ran to him and put on him fine clothes and sandals and a signet ring on his finger to signify that this child is still his beloved son.

Beloved... you may not be like this son who has fallen away... but you feel far from God. Perhaps your work or studies has given you so much pressure that God seems light years away from you.

Or you felt you have failed to keep your promises to God and now are feeling ashamed to face God.

Beloved... our heavenly father does not see you that way. Like the Prodigal son in the story, our heavenly father eagerly waits for you.... longing for your return.

He is saying to you "When you come home my son, you will see that the door is unlocked."

So draw near to Him today and let Him restore you. Let all arguments cease and all apologies cease for a moment. Let the heavenly Father clothe you once again with His provision and hear HIm say to you ,"My SON/Daughter.. Let's celebrate together !! "

God Bless!

Friday, April 18, 2008

The Story of 2 Men

I know of 2 men who told the Lord , " Lord I want to and will follow you".

The first one went along his way like a soldier trying his best to discipline himself, avoiding as many traps as he can... he spends time with God, always looking at tasks and possible flaws in himself. Asking God to forgive him for every little thing he does..

The second man comes to God and say "I can't but i am willing.. help me Lord... i will try my best but i dont believe in my own strength or self-discipline." He then went about each day abandoning himself to God and live freely in God's love. He comes to God everyday knowing him and His forgiveness and focus on God's love and grace for him.

Both love God... both follow God... both spent time with God. But 2 different perspective and 2 different results.

The First man always failed and never really enjoyed much freedom as he is always trying his best to keep God's law. He bites his teeth and think of more ways to discipline himself. God.. i will beat my body to follow you. I will put to death my sinful nature as said in Colossians 3:5. With my sheer determination and willpower... i will... i will.. I..... I.... I...

The second man stumbled too but "failed" and stumbled into God's love more and more. Slowly he learns to forget about his own needs and own flaws. He sees Jesus and live by imitating Him. He sees Jesus loving and valuing him more than anything else. He cant wait to talk to Jesus everyday.
God began to flow into His life and fulfill His word through this man as he focus on God and rest in Him daily. In Hebrews 10: 16 God says that He Will make a covenant with us... He will write His laws in our minds and in our hearts... He will remember our sins no more." He Will ... he Will... he will..

Which man do you think is really living a christian life? The one focusing on himself or the second one focusing on God. Who is happier? Who is the one radiating God's freedom? if we will rest in the Lord's love and guidance, then He will.... work through us? Isnt it?

James 4: 7 says 1) "Submit to God...." then 2) "Resist the devil".

See fighting comes after we first learn to submit to God first. Not the other way round which is of the flesh..

Philippians 4: 13 says "I can do everything through " who? My own will? My own discipline? No! "Through God who will GIVE ME STRENGTH"

But U-jin... there must be a balance of both... Of course =) But where is the focus? Our mind cannot focus on 2 things at any one time... So choose =). You can focus on your own willpower and determination.... i will focus on Jesus. The Bible says to fixed our focus on Jesus whom our faith depends on from the start to the end. Heb 12: 2

But didnt verse 1 in Heb 12 says we are to run with perseverance? Yes .. =) of course dont compromise when you feel weak... but how do we perservere? If we do it by focusing on us being disciplined.... that where is that glory due for God?

We should persevere by focusing on God... Say ,"Lord Jesus... i love you and i want to follow you... Please help me and not let me fall away... I trust and rest in you right now... deliever me.. I need your love to satisfy me now"

I choose to be like the second man... When i look to God... God will do His part and carry me... Life is too hard trying to live it by the rules .. You will fail miserably.. Let's abandon ourselves to God today and enjoy life.. He will help us follow His word as our hearts are renewed with that desire to follow Him daily.

God Bless!

Will the Real Men Please Stand Up?

The are many people around us today walking with "wounds" in our heart. I am talking espescially to the men around us. We carry in our lives the scars and wounds in our hearts over the years due to the words people say about us, the hurts we have when we were just a child that has not been healed, the precious part of our identity has been wrongly handled leaving us with a wound that did not close up over the years.

Some of us still live life like that because we have not found a Healer that can
heal us... some because we do not allow God to heal it. We are carrying out our daily lives wounded.

The circumstances of the world has hit us hard, at our dignity, at our status, at the most sensitive part of a mans's life; his heart, his strength, his masculinity. And the world offer us a counterfeit, a cover-up, a facade to hide the real man from who he really is. That's why some men started to beat up his children/wife instead of protecting them. We turn to alcohol,TV, newspapers etc etc and leave the woman to run the house. The Devil has hit us where it hurts and few of us have the strength to hit it back. The Devil does not want the REAL man to stand up because He knows that the real ones are DANGEROUS.

We men gets easily irritated, angry, abusive (words/actions) because there is something in our lives/hearts that has been lost or misplaced. It could be a misplaced trust, it could be because someone has caused us to feel lesser than what we are meant to be. As a result, we feel insecure and we hide, run away and put up a false front to tell the world we are fine, that we are strong and we are the MEN!!! We are macho but we are actually great posers. We love to sing the song "The Great Pretender"... pretending to be what we are not. We pretend so much that we forgot who are really are and what we are made to be. The Devil really has gotten some of us this way. The strong lion that God made us to be has now been "tamed" to be a kitten or to the other extent let loosed to be a wild raging bull.

But the bible teaches us that Real Man do not hide or run away.... They do not try to cover up the fears and weaknesses behind a girl by pushing her in front of them to face the circumstances they are too scared to face.

Real Men stand up to love, to protect and to serve.

The Lord meant for us to be leaders and lovers of our household and community. He wants us to rule with love and self -control.

In the process of healing, the Lord sometimes have to break the pride/the mask in us and open the wounds in us in order to rebuild what was lost and to re-mould what has been wrongly placed.

When the Lord confronted Jacob at Peniel, He wanted to heal Jacob of the facade Jacob has in his own strength. The Lord aimed a finishing blow at the part where Jacob was the strongest. He dealt Jacob with a blow that sent Hiim Limping. He struck Jacob's own fleshly and wrongly placed strength. And Jacob succumbed to God and was healed. He was named Israel and was greatly blessed. he no longer is the Jacobs that Deceives but has became Israel who is a Prince in God's Sight. Jacob received a renewed and true Identity of Himself in the Lord.

My Friends, let God heals us today. Let us not hide behind the image we have made for ourselves, let us be real before God and be healed. We are what God made us to be.... valiant, strong, passionate. Let's allow God to remove our masks and come face to face with our wounds. To remove the fleshly strength we are hiding behind and received new strength to lvie each day. The Lord loves us deeply and will never mishandle the trust we give to Him. He will guide and He will restore whatever we have lost and will make us what he is designed for us to be.

Psalm 62:11-12
"One thing God has spoken, two things have i heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving."

God Bless!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

You Are The God That Healeth Me

Many times we sing this old song "You are the Lord... that healeth me, you are the Lord my healer..You shed your blood and your healed my disease, You are the Lord My Healer..."

Most of us believe that God can heal but question is whether or not He wants to and whether or not we can obtain that power to do it. Sounds very difficult isnt it?

Some may believe that Divine Healing happens only when you have a very annointed speaker around that flows in the gift of healing like Benny Hinn or Our very own Rony Tan.

Some believe that Divine healing only happens when you led a holy life, then God is please with you and he will heal you.

Some believe that Divine healing only happens to a selected few.

Others find it easier to believe in emotional healing but hard to believe the results in Physical healing.

Well.... the Bible says that God is our healer and His power to heal our mental, emotional and physical body is still evident and avaible to all who believes in His power and grace to do so.

I have experienced Physical healing a few times in my life and would like to share 2 to encourage us today.

Many years ago, i suffered a sprained ankle. I was so in pain that i could not walk properly. I called up my my fellow cell memember and asked him to pray for me over the phone. As I placed my hands on my ankle, he began to pray for me. I began to feel a warm sensation on my ankle and after we said "Amen", my ankle was 80 per cent healed. The pain was almost gone that night and completely gone 2 days later. Praise the Lord!

Last year, I was having a fever and lieing in bed. I was also having a headache and couldn't sleep so i began to pray. I was caliming God's healing on the cross and confessing that God loves me and is my Healer.
After a few minutes, i felt a burning sensation all over my body. I was beginning to perspire and started to roll around my bed to and fro to get to a cooler spot each time.

After a few mins, my fever was completely gone! I felt my energy returning to me and i got up praising the Lord before returning to sleep.

My Friends, God still heals today and He can heal you of anything. Be it of a physical cold, migraine, flu, fever, cancer etc etc and it is not hard to do, just believe and keep on believing unitl God brings about that miracle. The Lord heals when you have the faith and when he doesnt heals, He will let you know what His plans are.

So let's practice praying and Believing that God our healer will work through us to bring healing to us and to the world around us. Remember.. Impossible is nothing to God.

God Bless!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

He Took My Sin On My Cross

The Bible says in John 3:16 "For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."

In the verse above, the effect on us if the Lord did not die for our sins will be to Perish eternally.

That is what the law demanded and the law cannot bend for anyone. The full requirements of the law must be fully met and the consquences is very serious... the results impacts us forever and ever.

The Lord knew from the start that the Only way to save us would be for one perfect man to die and take our place on our behalf. The Lord know that the only person who qualifies is Himself.

The Lord did not relent.... He did not hold back.. He intended to come and die for us... and all the requirements for judgment for sins must be fulfilled and He wrote it in His will that He must do it.

Therefore we are now saved through the blood of Jesus Christ. We are now not separated from God by our sinful self.

So do not let the devil accuse you and say " You see... you sin right? You did that just a second ago? You mean you forgot? How can God's love be in you. Are you sure your sins are forgiven? Then you still sin for what?"

My Friends, we were sinners now saved by grace. Yes, like Paul says we do still struggle in our flesh... but do not let the devil distract you.. Tell the Devil, "Stop lieing to me!" and look to God and say, "Lord, thank you for the cross, let me live remembering that you died for me and set me free from the bondage of sin. Let me live and enjoy walking with you every day!"

And beloved as you take your eyes away from your failings and see God's grace in your life. You will be drawn to His love for you and very soon the very wrong practice that you do and fears will disappear and have no longer any place in your life.

Psalm 91 - The Psalm Of God's Protection #Part 2

Psalm 91 : 3 says "Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence."

What is a fowler's snare? A fowler's snare is a trap for birds. It is meant to catch an unsuspecting prey and confined the poor creature to that place.

The Bible says that God will surely, confirm plus guarantee, save you and i from traps in our lives that the devil or someone else placed there for us to fall into.

Have you ever heard or seen something like that in your daily life? Where a person is waiting to trap you in your words or in your actions and find some ways to push you to a corner and harm you. It may not be always physical harm, could be physcological or even emotional harm or a bondage you are trapped in.

Well. the good news is that The Lord will deliver you to a safe place. And even when you fall into it yourself, the Lord offers His protection to you.

Now what is a deadly pestilence? According to Strong's Concordance, a deadly pestilence means a destroying plague. It is life threatening. COuld be the SARS or bird flu etc.

The bible says that God will surely deliver and protect us from these harm.

Now you may ask... "U-jin, arent there stories where Christians die of such plaques of fall into sin and bondages, traps and some died from it?"

My answer is "Yes, but please do not allow such incidences to cause you to think that God does not divinely protect you."

The Key here is to trust God that He will provide protection to His people because He is a God who sees and a God who protects!

So let's not worry about the things we read in the news about diseases and germs and allow fear to come upon us. Let's stand on God's word and pray and live a life of freedom, trusting in God's divine protection and Intervention in our lives daily. God bless You!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Psalm 91 - The Psalm Of God's Protection

Psalms 91 is my favourite pslam... it is the psalm that the Lord is saying to us that He Loves us and He PROTECTS US. Amen!

In verse 1, it says "He Who dwells in the Shelter of the Most High will rest in the Shadow of the Almighty!"

The word "dwells" means to stay permanently... it has the picture of someone lieing down to sleep over the night.

"Most High" is the word "Elyon" in Hebrew which means "The Most Important One".

"Almighty" is the word "EL-Shaddai". "EL" means God and "Shaddai" means "The All-Breasted One"

The Bible says that anyone who stays in the shelter of the Most High GOD will SURELY get to REST...., i say again "To Rest" in the shadow of the Lord who is so mighty and powerful.

Now to rest does not mean that you dont need to do anything, it means that now you can relax your mind and remove the worry on your heart because you know that God HIMSELF is standing over you.

I have a picture of this a few years ago when i was studying in Melbourne. One Sunday morning after reading Psalm 91, I was heading to church early as i was singing that Sunday in my church's choir.

As i was walking down the CBD, i saw some very tall sky-scrapers and the sunlight from above is shining upon it at a 45 degrees angle as it makes its way up. And as i got nearer to the tall building, i could see its shadow casting down upon me. It was as though i was being enveloped and hidden by this majestic building from the sunlight. It provided a shade and covering for me as long as i am near it.

It then dawned upon me that it is the same with the Lord. The Lord is like this tall sky scrapper and as we draw nearer to Him, as we go closer to Him, His shadow will shelter us from the storms of life.

We still experience the storms and waves... but what stands between us and the storms is now THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Hallelujah!

Isn't it good to know that God is standing over us and sheltering us from the storms of life.

Beloved, Let's not listen to the voice of the Devil or our flesh that says "Ha! See what happen? Life is so hard!".

Rather let us believe what God says in Psalm 91:1 that HE, the Lord Almighty, will be watching over us. Let us draw near to Him and REST in His Shadow today.


He Took My Pain On My Cross

The Cross of Jesus is a picture of my cross but with Jesus on it. I should be there on it but the Lord swopped place with me without even me asking and now the only i can do is to say "Thank You" and enjoy the effects its finished work.

The Cross of Jesus takes away the pain that lies in our hearts. When the Lord Jesus suffered for us, the Bible says in Isaiah 53:5 "By His wounds, we are healed." , he suffered for every pain and sin that can be inflicted on us to purchase our salvation and restored healing. He died with a purpose and that is to give us the right standing before God to claim our healing!!

You see. according to the law, when we sin, we deserved to be inflicted by whatever there is bad on us. We deserved it.

But when Jesus dies... He took our sin and went to hell with it. He rose again on the third day and where is our sin now? It is gone forever.... Nobody even knows where is it. And when we believed that, we become the righteousness of God.

What! You mean ... so easy ah?

Of course!! Why make it so difficult? It is now easy for us because the Lord Jesus took the most difficult part. He suffered and died so that we can have an easier way to it all.

So my friends, whatever the pain you are experiencing now... whatever hurts you have in your life, whether is it from a broken relationship, the death of a love one, sickness in your body... look to the cross of Jesus and claim your healing there. It is your right because the Lord Jesus purchased it for you.

Say "Dear Lord Jesus, you died and took away my sins and pain... I believe that by your stripes... i am healed. Thank you for taking my pain away..".

Keep on saying and confessing it and soon you will experienced the Lord of the cross... - The Lord Your Healer.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Life with God Is Like Playing Chess - We Both Win

But in this chess set where I am "playing" with the Lord, it is slightly different. It is still the same where i make my move... and God made His. Each time i move, God sees and then he makes His moves and i sees.

But the Lord is not here to beat me in this "game". His moves are not to harm me but to give me a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans i have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Whether i make a good move or a bad move on the chess set, the Lord moves in to protect and love me. When i make my move in the right direction, the Lord moves to opens His storehouse of blessings. When i make a wrong move, the Lord still moves in to love and pour His grace and mercy upon me so i can stand up again.

In this "game" of chess, there will eventually be 2 winners, God and myself. God wins when He moves to make me conform to His will and purpose, conforms into the likeness of His Son Jesus.

Beloved.... Isn't God good? The Lord moves to bless us... Our Lord is a good God. So rest assured that God moves for us to mould us and build us up and He does this to make us all Winners!

Glory to God!

The Lord Will Not Withhold Any Good Things From Us

Have we ever wondered if the Lord will really bless us? Do we sometimes doubt that the Lord may just withhold something good from us when He can actually give it to us?

Before the fall, the Lord placed Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden. The Lord gave them everything they ever need and even the authority to rule, subdue and multiply.

But Eve , when she was tempted by the serpent was convinced that the Lord was withholding something good from her. She thought that maybe God did not want the very best for her since he placed one restriction on her... ie. not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Eve was tempted and sinned, so did Adam.. her husband who was with her.

The Bible says in Romans 8:32 "He who did not spare his only Son, but gave him up for us all - how will he not also along with him, graciously give us all things?"

My friends.... the Lord is a good God and He who did not spare His son Jesus Christ, will not withhold any good things from us.

If anyone of us is facing struggles in our work, problems with our finances, somone sick at home, relationship troubles, let us not give up and say that the Lord has given this to us and so be it. My friends... how can God be glorified in these situations?

Let us approach the throne of grace boldly and pray to God... standing upon His promises and asking the Lord for victory and grace.

The Lord is our Great I Am. If there is a need for Healing, the Lord says ... I Am your Healer..., if a need for peace, the Lord says I Am your Shalom... If a need for provision, the Lord says I Am your Provider.Amen!

God is good all the time and will not withhold His love from us. So then let's believe in His goodness and in His faithfulness and not hold back in asking Him for Victory!

Glory to God!

The Lord Is Fierce - Fiercely Devoted To You

My friends, do we sometimes picture our Lord Jesus as someone "soft"... , someone that is gentle...., mild and meek all the time...?

Do we picture him as someone who keeps quiet when others bully him, someone who smiles all the time and takes no offense at anyone even when they climb all over him..?

Well i do and it is not entirely wrong that the Lord really is a gentle and loving God. BUT he is definitely not weak and soft.

Consider the things He has done :

Who is the one who sent forth the flood and destroyed the whole earth except Noah and his family?

Who is the one whose fury burned against Pharoah and sends those horrible plagues to destroy the entire land of Eygpt except those where his people lived in?

Who is the one who created the mighty lion? Or the fearsome killer whales? Or the crocodile?

Who is the one who made the heavens? And also Hell...

My friends... the Lord is a might warrior... strong and courageous. He knows to fight and destroy... He knows to burned and wiped out his enemies. He is fierce..... and fiercely devoted in His love to you and I.

His love is so passionately strong that He dies on our cross.... not giving up but fiercely embraced the suffering for us... determined that He takes our place for us so that we can take His place in heaven.

He fiercely conquered that death that was meant for us and was raised Victorious!!

As the psalmist says : "One thing God has spoken. two things have i hear: that You, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord , are loving." Psalm 62:11-12

Let's embrace God's passionate love for us today and enjoy the protection that He gives to us. That He is strong and He is also loving.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Wrestling Match With God - A Winner Emerges

My Friends if you are caught in a wrestling match with someone... you probably will stand a 50-50 chance of winning or losing. Your chances of winning is higher or lower depending on how weak or strong your oppnent is?

What happens if one day... the Lord allowed you to wrestled with Him?

The good news is this... In God's wrestling match... the Lord wants you to win! He wants you and I to prevail and win not because he is weaker tham us or that he gives in to our whims and fancies ... but because He wants to bless us out of that wrestling match.

You see.... our Lord don't have to win... He just wants us to learn something out of it so that he can bless us from what we have learnt! Isnt our God a good God? He first gives us the grace to learn and then rewards us after we have overcomed when in the first place it was His grace that helps us.

In the bible in Genesis 32:22-31 ... We find Jacob in a wrestling match with God. Not the typical WWF match that we see on TV, but a match where the Lord allowed Jacob to hold on to him. He allowed Jacob to come to the end of himself as he held on to God for his dear life that unless God bless him , he will not let God go. He does not want to die in the hands of his brother Esau.

Out of that wrestle, the Lord allowed Jacob to win and made him a Winner by also changing his name to Israel (He Struggles with God). Jacob has struggled with God and has overcomed! Verse 28

My friends... if you are in a situation now and you find yourself praying to the Lord and the Lord seems slow in responding.... dont give up because finally out of that wrestle... the Lord will make you a Winner in Him. He is just waiting for the right moment to turn your situation around and bless you.

God Bless!

We Are The Righteousness Of God In Christ Jesus

2 Corinthians 5: 21 says " God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."

We are not becoming but have becomed through the sacrifice of Christ the righteousness of God. Do you believe that? How much do you believe that?

In the new covenant that our Lord Jesus has established for us through his blood, He has fullfilled the law. There is no need to sacrifice an animal each time we sin or year after year by the high priest. Jesus says "It is finished". It isnt just in the physical atonement but also in the spiritual atonement of our lives.Not just that we can go to heaven when we die... but most importantly the Lord has given us fellowship with Him and wholeness in life before we see Him face to face.

We must have been very clean under the blood of Christ when we compare the present to the latter way of offering sacrifices and the ease of fellowshipping with the Lord now through the blood of Christ. The Bible says that the Lord will not with-hold any good things from us if He in the first place has not withheld His son.

If you think about it.... it is an overpayment for our sins. Because of the quality of the "lamb of God" that was offered on our place. Our sins can never outweigh the sacrifice of Christ. It is an overpayment.... So now how can we not be cleansed and be assured that God is pleased with the payment of our sins. Like the sacrifice in days of old, the Lord was crushed and beaten... torn in his flesh , limbs and organs broken... he was led like a lamb to the slaughter. His blood was drained and the Lord's fury burned upon Him. As the Father poured down His cup of judgement upon the Man who became sin on our behalf.. He did it so brutally that the work was finished and the justice of God fully met. The requirements of the law was fulfilled.

The Lord died in our place on the cross(our cross). He died in our place so we that we can take his place as sons and daughters of God. When the devil accuse us, we have the cross to show him that the justice is met and the atonement finished.

Let's live our lives remembering the finished work of the cross. It is finished!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Being the Disciple That Jesus Loves

I have learnt recently that there is a difference between saying "I am the Disciple that Jesus Loves" versus "I am the Disciple that loves Jesus". The former focuses on the love that Jesus has for him but the latter focuses on his love for Jesus.

Well... there is nothing really wrong in us proclaiming our love for God.... in fact the psalmists is always singing songs of praise and adoration to the Lord. But the difference between a love that lasts and a love that may falter lies in whose love we focus on.

In the Bible... the Lord always teaches us to focus on Him being the one who can sustain and empower us. 1 John 4:10 says that "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us....". The focus that the Holy Spirit is drawing us to see is on Himself and the Love that He can and meant to give to each of us.

In the Bible, Peter boasted about his own love for God in a way that his placed his confidence on his own love rather than on the great love of God for him. In Matthew 26:33, Peter said "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will". Seeing that Peter said it in the flesh... Jesus immediately said "I tell you the truth...... you will deny me three times".

John, the Disciple that Jesus loves, on the other hand remained rested in Jesus's bosom when Jesus said that someone in their midst will betray him. It was Peter... who boasted about his love for God who had to ask John to ask Jesus who it is that will betray him. John remained close to the Lord, unshaken and undeterred when he stood at the foot of the cross with Mary.
What gave John the strength and the courage to do so? The continual revelation of Jesus's love for him.

Do you want to be full of God's life in you?

Ephesians says this.."... that you being rooted and established in love, may have the power together with all the saints to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know that this love that surpasses knowledge- that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Friends, when we focus on the love that Jesus has for us... we will be rested and confident that in everything we do, the Lord will work it out for our good, both in the good times as well as in the bad times. And the growing in this revelation of God;s love for us will fill us to the measure of all of God's fullness in our lives.

When trouble comes.... we know that the Lord loves us deeply and will stand alongside with us. When we fall... we know that the Lord still loves us so much that He will lift us up to walk with Him in victory again!

He has first loved and provided for us all that we need in life when He died and finished the work on the cross.

What a wonderful God we serve! Let's grow each day, hearing more and learning more about how much the Lord loves us. God bless!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why Does God Allow Evil?by Rick Warren

The horrific mass murder of innocent Americans leaves all rational people shocked, angry, grief-stricken and numb. Our tears flow freely and our hearts carry a deep ache. How could this happen in our nation?
As mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors and coworkers begin to share their stories of the horror, this tragedy will become even more personal. As it becomes more personal, it will become more painful, and as our pain deepens, so will the questions. Why does God allow evil to happen? If God is so great and so good, why does he allow human beings to hurt each other?
The answer lies in both our greatest blessing and our worst curse: our capacity to make choices. God has given us a free will. Made in God's image, he has given us the freedom to decide how we will act and the ability to make moral choices. This is one asset that sets us apart from animals, but it also is the source of so much pain in our world. People, and that includes all of us, often make selfish, self-centered and evil choices. Whenever that happens, people get hurt.
Sin is ultimately selfishness. I want to do what I want, not what God tells me to do. Unfortunately, sin always hurts others, not just ourselves.
God could have eliminated all evil from our world by simply removing our ability to choose it. He could have made us puppets, or marionettes on strings that he pulls. By taking away our ability to choose it, evil would vanish. But God doesn't want us to be puppets. He wants to be loved and obeyed by creatures who voluntarily choose to do so. Love is not genuine if there is no other option.
Yes, God could have kept the terrorists from completing their suicidal missions by removing their ability to choose their own will instead of his. But to be fair, God also would have to do that to all of us. You and I are not terrorists, but we do harm and hurt others with our own selfish decisions and actions.
You may hear misguided minds say, "This must have been God's will." Nonsense!
In a world of free choices, God's will is rarely done! Doing our own will is much more common. Don't blame God for this tragedy. Blame people who ignored what God has told us to do: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
In heaven, God's will is done perfectly. That's why there is no sorrow, pain or evil there. But this is earth, a fallen, imperfect place. We must choose to do God's will everyday. It isn't automatic. This is why Jesus told us to pray, "Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven."
The Bible explains the root of evil: "This is the crisis we're in: God's light streamed into the world, but men and women everywhere ran for the darkness ... because they were not really interested in pleasing God" (John 3:19, Message Translation). We're far more interested in pleasing ourselves.
There are many other questions that race through our minds during dark days. But the answers will not come from pollsters, pundits or politicians. We must look to God and his Word. We must humble ourselves and admit that each of us often choose to ignore what God wants us to do.
No doubt houses of worship across America will be packed in the coming days. In a crisis we cry out for a connection with our Creator. This is a deep-seated, universal urge. The first words uttered by millions on Sept. 11 were "Oh God!"
We were made for a relationship with God, but he waits for us to choose him. He is ready to comfort, guide and direct us through our grief. But it's your choice.

Churches and ministries may reprint this article with the following attribution: Used by permission of, c. 2001.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The DIFFERENCE Between Science and God

> > > > 'Let me explain the problem science has with Jesus Christ.' The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his> > new students to stand.

> > > > 'You're a Christian, aren't you, son?'

> > > > 'Yes sir,' the student says.

> > > > 'So you believe in God?'

> > > > 'Absolutely.'

> > > > 'Is God good?'

> > > > 'Sure! God's good.'

> > > > 'Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?'

> > > > 'Yes.'

> > > > 'Are you good or evil?'

> > > > 'The Bible says I'm evil.'

> > > > The professor grins knowingly. 'Aha! The Bible!' He considers for a moment.

> > > > 'Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you

> > can cure him. You can do it. Would you help him? Would you try?'

> > > > 'Yes sir, I would.'

> > > > 'So you're good...!'

> > > > 'I wouldn't say that.'

> > > > 'But why not say that? You'd help a sick and maimed person if you could. Most of us would if we could. But God doesn't.'

> > > > The student does not answer, so the professor continues. 'He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Christian who died of cancer, even though he prayed to Jesus to heal him How is this Jesus good? Hmmm? Can you answer that one?'

>>>>The student remains silent.

> > > > 'No, you can't, can you?' the professor says. He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.

> > > > 'Let's start again, young fella Is God good?'

> > > > 'Er...yes,' the student says.

> > > > 'Is Satan good?'

> > > > The student doesn't hesitate on this one. 'No.'

> > > > 'Then where does Satan come from?'

> > > > The student : 'From...God...'

> > > > 'That's right. God made Satan, didn't he? Tell me, son. Is there

> > evil in this world?'

> > > > 'Yes, sir.' 'Evil's everywhere, isn't it? And God did make everything, correct?'

> > > > 'Yes.'

>>>> 'So who created evil?' The professor continued, 'If God created everything, then God created evil, since evil exists, and according to the principle that our works define who we are, then God is evil.'

> > > > Without allowing the student to answer, the professor continues:

> > 'Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things, do they exist in this world?'>

> > > The student: 'Yes.'

> > > > 'So who created them?'

> > > > The student does not answer again, so the professor repeats his question. 'Who created them? There is still no answer. Suddenly the lecturer breaks away to pace in front of the classroom. The class is mesmerized.

> > >> 'Tell me,' he continues onto another student. 'Do you believe in Jesus Christ, son?'

> > > > The student's voice is confident: 'Yes, professor, I do.'

> > > > The old man stops pacing. 'Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Have you ever seen Jesus?'

> > > > 'No sir. I've never seen Him'

> > > > 'Then tell us if you've ever heard your Jesus?'

> > > > 'No, sir, I have not.'

> > > > 'Have you ever actually felt your Jesus, tasted your Jesus or smelt your Jesus? Have you ever had any sensory perception of Jesus Christ, or God for that matter?'

> > > > 'No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't.'

> > > > 'Yet you still believe in him?'

> > > > 'Yes.'

> > > > 'According to the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?'

> > > > 'Nothing,' the student replies. 'I only have my faith.'

> > > > 'Yes, faith,' the professor repeats. 'And that is the problem science has with God. There is no evidence, only faith.'

> > > > The student stands quietly for a moment, before asking a question of his own. 'Professor, is there such thing as heat?'

> > > > 'Yes,' the professor replies. 'There's heat.'

> > > > 'And is there such a thing as cold?'

> > > > 'Yes, son, there's cold too.'

> > > > 'No sir, there isn't.'

> > > > The professor turns to face the student, obviously interested. The room suddenly becomes very quiet. The student begins to explain.

> > > > 'You can have lots of heat, even more heat, super-heat, mega-heat, unlimited heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat, but we don't have anything called 'cold'. We can hit up to 458 degrees below zero, which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold; otherwise we would be able to go colder than the lowest -458 degrees. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-458 F) is the total absence of heat.

>>>> You see, sir, cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat we can measure in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.'

> > > > Silence across the room. A pen drops somewhere in the classroom, sounding like a hammer.

> > > > 'What about darkness, professor. Is there such a thing as darkness?'

> > > > 'Yes,' the professor replies without hesitation. 'What is night if it isn't darkness?'

> > > > 'You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is not something; it is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright> > light, flashing light, but if you have no light constantly you have> > Nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? That's the meaning we use to define the word. In reality, darkness isn't. If it were, you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn't you?'

> > > > The professor begins to smile at the student in front of him.

>> This will be a good semester. 'So what point are you making, young man?'

> > > > 'Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with, and so your conclusion must also be flawed.'

> > > > The professor's face cannot hide his surprise this time.

> >>> 'Flawed? Can you explain how?'

> > > > 'You are working on the premise of duality,' the student explains. 'You argue that there is life and then there's death; a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, science can't even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life> > is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it.'

> > > > 'Now tell me, professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?'

> > > > 'If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, young man, yes, of course I do'

> > > > 'Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?'

> > > > The professor begins to shake his head, still smiling, as he realizes where the argument is going. A very good semester, indeed.

>>>>'Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor, are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you now not a scientist, but a preacher?'

> > > > The class is in uproar. The student remains silent until the Commotion has subsided.

> > > > 'To continue the point you were making earlier to the other student, let me give you an example of what I mean.'

> > > > The student looks around the room. 'Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the professor's brain?' The class breaks out into laughter.

> > > > 'Is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain, felt the professor's brain, touched or smelled the professor's brain? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science says that you have no brain, with all due respect, sir. So if science says you have no brain, how can we trust your lectures, sir?'

> > > > Now the room is silent. The professor just stares at the student, his face unreadable.

> > > > Finally, after what seems an eternity, the old man answers. 'I guess you'll have to take them on faith.'

> > > > 'Now, you accept that there is faith, and, in fact, faith exists with life,' the student continues. 'Now, sir, is there such a thing as evil?'

> > > > Now uncertain, the professor responds, 'Of course, there is. We see it everyday. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil.'

> > > > To this the student replied, 'Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God.

> > > > God did not create evil. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.'

> > > > The professor sat down