Wednesday, May 14, 2008

James 1:19-21 - The Benefits of Listening

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.21 Therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."

Part 1 verse 19
James in saying 'My dear brothers' is once again identifying with his Jewish brothers and said 'take note of this' to show that what he is about to say is of great importance. God wants us to pay great attention to this detail.

It is better for us to learn to be good listeners as a good listener will be able to give better advice and understanding to the situation. It also gives the listener enough time for God to speak to him/her.

The man who listens rather than lambasting will be less likely to become angry and intolerant.

Part 2 verse 20
Ephesians 4:26 says 'In your anger do not sin..' Anger may provoke ill reactions what will not bring about the kind of godly living that God is pleased with.

Part 1 verse 21
God wants us to put aside and not having any form of moral filth(lusts,sensuality,corrupted heart) and accept God's word regularly. The word implanted means that the word of God needs to be ingrown or inborn in our hearts. To be grown in fertile soil and it takes time to grow and bear fruits in our lives.

Ultimately God wants us to not be given to our sensual passions, the spirt of the moment kind of fleshly desires but to have a ear for listening and discerning what God's direction is based on His word. By cultivating the soil of our souls, we can hide God;s word in which can save us in times of our needs.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

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