Sunday, March 30, 2008

Life with God Is Like Playing Chess - We Both Win

But in this chess set where I am "playing" with the Lord, it is slightly different. It is still the same where i make my move... and God made His. Each time i move, God sees and then he makes His moves and i sees.

But the Lord is not here to beat me in this "game". His moves are not to harm me but to give me a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans i have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Whether i make a good move or a bad move on the chess set, the Lord moves in to protect and love me. When i make my move in the right direction, the Lord moves to opens His storehouse of blessings. When i make a wrong move, the Lord still moves in to love and pour His grace and mercy upon me so i can stand up again.

In this "game" of chess, there will eventually be 2 winners, God and myself. God wins when He moves to make me conform to His will and purpose, conforms into the likeness of His Son Jesus.

Beloved.... Isn't God good? The Lord moves to bless us... Our Lord is a good God. So rest assured that God moves for us to mould us and build us up and He does this to make us all Winners!

Glory to God!

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