Sunday, April 20, 2008

Better Than The Pirates Of The Carribean!!

The Bible says in Mark 4:35-41 that Jesus and his disciples were on a boat when a storm arose and threaten to sink the boat.

The situation was rough and the circumstances dangerous, the disciples were frantic. They really thought that all of them were going to die. So they ran to where Jesus was,(Jesus was asleep in the stern) and ask Jesus ,"Teacher (not GOD)... aren't you worried that we are all (including him as they did not know who he really was at that time) going to sink and die." They were saying... "We need to think of a way now... we need to decide to jump boat or something...Quick!"

Jesus got up, rebuke the wind and said to the waves,"Quiet, Be STILL". And the waves and the wind died down and there was total calm. Jeus turned to them and said ,"What are you afraid. Do you still have no faith?"

Now what is Jesus actually trying to say here?

You see my friend, when we hear these words, we tend to look at ourselves and examine the size of our own faith. We do a Spiritual assessment of our own faith and see if today it is big or small or if it is even there.

But my friends, that was not what Jesus meant. He is actually asking,"Why are you so afraid... dont you know who I am?"

You see my friend, the bible never teach us to look at our faith level... Instead the bible teaches us to look at Jesus and know who He is... then our faith will be formed automatically/naturally.

Heb 12:2 calls us to "Fix/Focus/Set our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our?" "FAITH"!

Let me share with you a story to illustrate this ... say for example one day you are walking along the streets with a person you got to know.(He is actually an influential marketplace leader of that territory but you dont know. Even the gangsters listened to him).

As you are walking with him along the busy streets, suddenly you saw in front of you 2 groups of gangsters waiting to fight one another... You immediately turned to your friend and said,"Hey let's get out of here, a big fight is going to break out." Your friend instead walked ahead of you and said to the 2 groups of gangsters "Stop! Dont fight here!".

To your surprise, the 2 groups upon seeing and hearing his voice ,said "Sorry sorry, we will leave now. Sorry Sorry..".

Then you friend turned to you and said, "Dont be afraid! dont you have any faith?(Dont you know who i am?)".

You thought to yourself ,"Wah! Who is this man ? Even the gangsters listened to him."

Likewise in verse 41, The Disciples said among themselves"Wah! Who is this man? Even the wind and waves listened to HIm".

My Friends, Do not look at your own faith today... instead look to Jesus and see who He is. Allow Him to speak to you through His word daily and when the storms in your work,school,family rose again... you know you have got the God of heavens and Earth, the leader of all, the Prince of Peace with you. And He will say to the storms in your life... "Quiet! Be Still." and they will have to bopw down to His command and authority.

My friends, the Lord love you deeply. He has you as the apple of His eye. So be at rest... He has you safe in His arms today.

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