Saturday, May 3, 2008

He Offered His Love and His Life

If you are a King... mighty and powerful... having the authority to command all the forces in the world to do as you say....having the influence and the wisdom to answer all of life's questions... what would you offer to this world that we are living in today?

If you are someone who has the power to create and call things into existence those that are not.... and has the power to destroy all things you find displeasing in your sight.... what would you do to this world that we are living in today?

This world of joy, pain, peace, strife, laughter, tears, wealth, poverty, different religious and world views, different practices and beliefs... is the real world we live in.

What will you if you are an omnipotent individual choose to offer?

Well... let me share with you what the Lord Jesus Christ chose to offer..

The Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of heaven and earth, having considered all these chose to offer His love and His life to a world that is seeking these within themselves.

When you are feeling down and alone, look to the Lord and find His presence with you.

When you have lost someone, look to the Lord and find His comfort.

When you are sick and needs healing, look to the Lord who is your healer and restorer.

When you need love, look to the Lord who can supply all the love that you need and ever will need.

Now you may ask,"" U-jin, it is so easy for you to say this.. what about those dying, those in poverty, those abandoned?"

My friend, when you and I are being touched by God's love, we shall go forth in kind and in deeds to these people.

The Lord meant for you and I to go forth and bring His healing to the nations. Give your money, time and expertise to help wipe our sysmatic poverty today with God's love.

To the world that is lost .... The Lord offered his life. "I am the Ressurection and the Life. Whoever believes in Me will live" John 11:25

To the world that needs shelter and protection, the Lord offers his love. "For God so loved the world that He gave his only beloved son, that whosever believes in in will not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

He offered His love and His Life to this world that we live in.

God Bless!

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