Thursday, May 22, 2008

James 1: 26-27 - This is What is Real Religion, So Please Pay Attention!

""If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless. 27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this : to look after orphans and widows and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.."

Part 1 verse 26
The word 'religious' (Greek:threskos) refers to external observances.
The word 'worthless' (Greek:mataios) means 'fruitless or useless' and the word 'deceives himself' (Greek:apaton kardian heautiu) literally means 'to mislead and to seduce his own heart'.

The Bible is teaching us here that a religious man that God is pleased with is a person who can controll what he/her say and how he/her say it. We should know that what comes out from an person's mouth comes from the heart. Matthew 12:34 says "For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. " and then goes on to say that a good man brings out the good that is stored in him and an evil man brings out the bad that is stored in him.

Part 2 verse 27
The Bible teaches us that God wants us not to pratice Christianity as a form of a religious ritual but to focus on living our lives right before Him. By our conduct of serving others and by keeping our character from being influenced by the world, that is the kind of religion that God is pleased with.

The 'world' here refers to 'anything that is contrary to the word of God'.

The Lord here is contrasting between mere ritualistic observances and real authentic acts of love to show us that what people commonly know as religion is not just a form of worship but a real lifestyle of right living and servanthood.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

James 1: 22-25 - True Freedom and Blessings Comes In Your Deeds

"Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard but doing it- he will be blessed in what he does."

Part 1 verse 22

It is not enough to actively listen to God's word but it is also very important to do what it says. The bible says very clearly that one must be a doer and not just a hearer that one must listen to God's word and respond in active obedience.

The word 'deceive' is the Greek word 'paralogizomai' which means 'to cheat or deceive by false reasoning'.
The deception comes when we think that just by listening and growing in our knowledge of God's word is sufficient enough but that is only the beginning. It must be followed through in our actions and deeds.

Part 2 verse 23- 24
The bible uses the analogy of a man looking into the mirror(the word of God), and sees the places where he should change and the right path that he should walk in. But the moment he turns away, he forgets what he ought to do and hence the power and grace given to him to walk with God is not used.

The verse says 'immediately forgets' shows us that this man hears and grows in knowledge but at the same time has this 'spiritual absent mindedness' that robs him of the true freedom and blessings that comes from God's word.

Part 3 verse 25

The way to handle the word of God involves a very important step and that is to have an intent and a sustained look with a readiness to respond to it is the key to spiritual strength and continues maturity.

The word 'looks intently into' (Greek:parakypsas) means 'to stoop down down' in order to have a good close look.

The paradox that one must note here is the verse 'the Law that gives freedom'. As we know, the law has its rules and regulations and suggests some form of a restraint and a lack of freedom. But God's law is not restrictive but we can through it be propelled into real freedom.
In John 8:31-32, Christ says ,'Hold on to my teaching, then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.'

When we follow God's word, we will find tru freedom and be bless by God who gives us the grace to obey Him. Isn't that wonderful? HALLELUJAH!

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

James 1:19-21 - The Benefits of Listening

"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,20 for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.21 Therefore get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you."

Part 1 verse 19
James in saying 'My dear brothers' is once again identifying with his Jewish brothers and said 'take note of this' to show that what he is about to say is of great importance. God wants us to pay great attention to this detail.

It is better for us to learn to be good listeners as a good listener will be able to give better advice and understanding to the situation. It also gives the listener enough time for God to speak to him/her.

The man who listens rather than lambasting will be less likely to become angry and intolerant.

Part 2 verse 20
Ephesians 4:26 says 'In your anger do not sin..' Anger may provoke ill reactions what will not bring about the kind of godly living that God is pleased with.

Part 1 verse 21
God wants us to put aside and not having any form of moral filth(lusts,sensuality,corrupted heart) and accept God's word regularly. The word implanted means that the word of God needs to be ingrown or inborn in our hearts. To be grown in fertile soil and it takes time to grow and bear fruits in our lives.

Ultimately God wants us to not be given to our sensual passions, the spirt of the moment kind of fleshly desires but to have a ear for listening and discerning what God's direction is based on His word. By cultivating the soil of our souls, we can hide God;s word in which can save us in times of our needs.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

James 1:16-18 - Knowing God and Leaning On Him Will Set Us Free And Give Us Victory

""Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.18 He chose to gave us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created""

Part 1 verse 16-17
The difference between God and the Devil is that God gives good gifts to us because of His great love for us in His grace and mercy.

The shadow from the sun may shifting according to the time of the day but our heavenly Father does not change. He is always the same God who is good and loving.

The words "Every good and perfect gift is from above" literally mean ""Every good act of giving (Greek:dosis) and every perfect gift(dorema) is from above".

The way to escape from temptation is to rest in the blessings and freedom of God. To have close fellowship with Him and feed on His word.

Part 2 verse 18
The words 'first fruits ' refer to us as the regenerated believers that we are God's treasured possession and to be holy unto Him as the first fruits were consecrated to Him. As Matthew Henry says 'Christ is the first-fruits of Christians, Christians are the first-fruits of creatures. '

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

James 1:13-15 - Knowing Yourself And Knowing Your Enemy Will Lead You To Victory

"When tempted, no one should say,'God is tempting me.' For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; 14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. 15 Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."

Part 1 verse 13
Here in the bible, James offered a rebuke to the believers of God when they think that they sin because the Lord gave them a test by tempting them and therefore they fall. James felt that this is a wrong and irresponsible way of thinking and is clarifying this here.

It is said very clearly and directly that God cannot be tempted by evil nor does he tempts. Evil cannot even make an appeal to God because God is untemptable (Greek:apeirastos). God oftens tests a believer to mould and strengthen the person's faith but he does not tempts.

Part 2 verse 14
James made it clear that the source of temptation lies within the person; it is his/her own evil dsire and cravings of the flesh that allows him/her to be pulled away and enticed. It is like a fish that is lured out of its place of hiding and enticed by the bait. The Greek word 'deleazomenos' means to bait, to catch a fish with a bait or hunt with snares. The Devil lies in wait to enticed believers into sin and away from God's will for their lives.

Part 3 verse 15
The cycle of sin is that a person is first being dragged away and enticed, then the desire comes and it's offspring is sin, and then it results in ultimate death.

The key here is for a believer not to be enticed by his/her own evil desires but to flee from it and keep it in check.

The wrong choice to allow oneself to be enticed and ultimately have a desire to sin will lead to death.

The right choice of fleeing away and going to God will result in blessings. It can be tough at times, but when one consider the consequences that sin can bring and believe the Lord who says that we will reap what we sow (Galatians 6:7), it helps us choose to flee from sin.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

James 1:12 - Blessings Come through Perseverance

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verse 12
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him."

The Bible says that God will bless the man who has perseveres under trial. To the man that continues to walk with God, the Lord will reward him with the blessings of life.

The crown is life because the crown consists of life.

Going through a season of trials in life is not easy, but to the person who constantly asked the Lord for wisdom to see the benefits of it, the Lord will give the person the right attitude to go through it and then bless the person after he has endured them.

The Lord is a good God. To the one who seeks God, the prove of his love would be seen in the way the person endures tough times.

The crown of life here refers to the eternal life that is promised to all believers through the enabling of God's Spirit and could also refer to the full life here now on earth as said in v4.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Studying the Book of James - True Riches Comes From Knowing God

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verses 9-11
verse 5
"9 The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. 10 But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower. 11 For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich man will fade away even while he goes about his business"

The bible teaches us that when we find ourselves poor, we should not be envious of the person who is rich. We who are in Christ can stand tall in the fact that we have an eternal glory in Christ. We can boast in our exaltation and the fact that we are rich in the Lord, Heirs of God and co-heirs in Christ.

When we are rich, we should also not boast in our riches but in the fact that we are humans who can fail. In our human fraility, consider that our riches itself cannot obtain for us eternal riches and rest. Social prominence, wealth are things we can be so tempted to cling onto and placed our self-worth on, but these are things are are temporal, like the sun that withers the plant with its intense heat and destroy it.

So let us know the truth that only by walking with the eternal Lord and finding our satisfaction in Him can we truly be rich and happy.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explaination to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Studying the Book of James - The Need for Wisdom And The Sure Way To Obtain It

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verses 5-8

verse 5
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him"

The high goal that trials can obtain for us, namely spiritual maturity and fulfillment can be hard for us to comprehend. That's why we need the Lord to provide for us wisdom in order for us to see and accept that the future benefits far outweighs the momentary struggle we may face.

The greek word for 'wisdom' is the word 'sophias'.

verse 6
'But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.'

The bible says that there is a prerequisite in receiving wisdom from God, and that is we must first believe and not doubt. Believe what? Believe in the fact that God is one who is faithful and will do what He says. His character is unchanging and He is able and will give wisdom to those who asked. Because they want to do His will.

The word 'doubt' is the Greek word 'diakrinomenos', it means to sway from one side to the other, or to oscillate. Like the wave of the sea being blown horizontally and tossed vertically by the wind.

verses 7-8
'That man should not think he will received anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man,unstable in all he does.'

The word 'double-minded' (Greek : 'dipsychos') means 'two-souled' is seen as a drunkard man.

The Lord is not pleased with the person who is double-minded in his/her asking, because it shows a lack of confidence in the character of God. As a result the Lord may not be given the full glory because the person is in the first place unsure of where the source may come from.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Studying the Book of James - The Benefits of Trials

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verse 4

"Perseverance must finish its work so that you will be mature and complete, not lacking in anything."

The final benefit of perseverance is spiritual fulfillment and maturity. Real rest comes when one has learnt the secret of trust in the midst of life's storms. For the devil may try to change and influence all that we see, touch, feel, hear but he can never touch our faith in the Lord if we hold on to it.

The work 'Mature'(Greek: teleioi), means 'perfect or 'finished' while the word 'complete' (Greek:holokleroi) means 'whole' when put together means to be perfect all over or fully developed in every part.

Christians can go through all kinds of trials with joy when they learned to go through it in faith, perseverance comes into the picture and if perseverance is fully stretched with time, it makes this man/woman a person that is thoroughly mature and lacks nothing.

Through experiences of pain, struggles and yet depending on the daily provisions of God for the soul, body and mind, a christian matures and hence is able to better guide others who goes through a similiar trial.

The key is to persevere with a good attitude, always believing that it is God's plan to make us a better person through this.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Studying the Book of James - Joy In the Midst Of Trials

The Book Of James Chapter 1 verses 2-3

Verse 2

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds".

Part 1

The word 'pure joy' means 'total joy, joy that is full and unmixed'.

It is important to note that James encouraged the Jewish people who are facing trials among the Gentiles to be joyful not for the trials but in the trials. He called them 'my brothers' to show that he identified himself with them and had compassion on them.

The word 'face' (Greek word :'peripesete') means to 'fall into', like one falling into a bad and possibly dangerous situation like a financial crisis or a family fight/quarrel.

It is important to note here that the 'trials' referred here are external trials(Greek word: peirasmois) or tests of stamina and not internal ones welling up from within oneself like lusts and greed. This form is being told in verse 13 of the same chapter but not here.

Part 2 : How Can A Person Find Joy in Trials? By Understanding the purpose and advantages of it

Verse 3

"Because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance".

Christians can be joyful when facing trials when they know the advantages and blessings that comes out of it.

James here says 'because you know..' indicating that this is no new revalation to the people but a simple reminder for them. The already knew it, just that they need encouragement.

The word 'know' (Greek word:ginoskontes) means 'knowing from experience.

The word 'testing'(Greek word: dokimion) refers to 'approval' rather than 'proving'.
Faith is like gold standing in the midst of the hot fire, produces perseverance as one goes through trials. And it seems very important that this perseverance be developed in ones life to God.
True Faith will stand and has the staying power despite the great heat from the fire.

The word 'perseverance' (Greek word: hypomonen) means 'steadfastness or endurance in the midst of difficulties'

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Studying the Book of James - Verse by Verse- James 1:1

The Book of James Chapter 1 verse 1

Verse 1
"James, the servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations."

Part 1
The person whom God used to write this epistle is believed to be the half-brother of Jesus, James. It is very likely that James is well-known among the people that this letter was targetted at because he did not have to give his status or that he is the half-brother of Jesus and also suggested that he has a recognised authority to write a letter of this kind. His opening was simple and modest.

Part 2
The word servant means a 'bond servant' (Greek word 'doulos') one who belongs to his master and serves without pay.
In this case, James is saying that He is a property of the Lord and is dedicated to the service of Him.
Even though James could have called him his brother, he nevertheless recoginsed the diety of the Lord.

The word Lord means 'King', Jesus means 'Saviour', and Christ means 'The Messiah' or 'The Annointed One', .

Part 3
This letter is addressed to the twelve tribes of Israel who are 'scattered'(Greek word:'diaspora'), not lost but scattered, among the Gentiles of the nations.

The twelve tribes are namely : 'Judah,Reuben,Gad,Asher,Naphtali,Mannaseh,Simeon,Levi,Issachar,Zebulun,Joseph and Benjamin'.

Important Note :
I have chosen based on my study from 'The Bible Knowledge Commentary' by John F.Walvoord and Roy B.Zack and selectively re-typed some of the more important parts, together with some of my own additional explanation to make this study simpler to digest and understand. My re-phrasing does not show a different meaning to what was originally written.

It Is Not How Hard You Fight But How Much You Believe

In the story of David And Goliath, David a shepherd boy facing off with a man-mountain, Goliath. David has in his hand a sling and a stone while Goliath arms himself with a shield and a sword.

To the spectator that looks at this two contenders standing face to face with each other in a show-down where one will live while the other dies, it is not hard to believe that this is a one-sided fight. There is no hope for this young boy against this strong and mighty giant of a man, Goliath who has the skills and experience to fight. If they are to place their bet, very likely they will put them all on Goliath.

But as the fight starts, David swung a stone at Goliath, and the mighty force of the Lord who was with David caused that one strike to defeat this giant enemy. The power and the accuracy behind the stone was the Lord's arm. He is the one in battle while David was just an instrument He had used to fulfill his purpose and plan and yes God can used even a shepherd boy.

As I was watching the movie "One Night With the King today", I learnt from a statement made by the character Esther, that the best thing about the fight between David and Goliath was this..."It is not how hard David fought, but how much He believed God". While the rest of the Israelites feared the enemy, David looked at him and believed that the Lord will slay the enemy and provide victory for him and for the nation of Israel.

Beloved, whether we are facing obstacles or things in our lives that causes us to worry and fear.... Maybe it is the insurmountable tasks you are responsible of doing in the office, maybe it is people around you that puts you down, maybe it is the relationship that you are praying to be made whole, or your child who has gone astray.... or the sickness that remains in you... whatever it is... this day, let's choose to look to God who will deliver us... Look to the one who will help us overcome and gives us victory in love. he has promised that when we pray to Him, He will answer us.

John 11:40"
Jesus said to her, "Did I not say to you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?"

Let's put our trust in the Lord today and see His glory in our lives.

God Bless!

What Should I Do When I Go through Pain?

The first thing that comes to a person's mind when he/she lives through pain is that nobody understands. Like it or not, that is one thing we all struggle to come to terms with.

A man/woman is not meant to live alone, much less go through pain alone.

Emotional Pain tends to isolate a person and saps his/her strength away. It is tough living through such a season in life and therefore every bit of comfort will sooth the painful soul is much sought after whether through healthy activites of harmful ones. The choice can be made correctly when you have a friend standing with you.

I believe the first thing a person should do is to come into a community of friends during this season of pain. I have seen some of my close friends who cannot find a group that is mature enough to understand and give help.... but don't give up... keeping searching and praying because this is very important to have a friend/ a group to support you. And dont blame the person who is helping you.... he or she is trying their best in the way they know how.

Learn to communicate your struggles and let the other party know how to best help you. That creates an environment of openess and trusts. Through open communications, both party can help each other learn and grow.

The second thing is to let out your emotional pain through activities or sports. it is very important when dealing with pain to not keep it inside your heart for too long. There must be a correct way to let it out so that it does not accumulate to unhealthy levels.

The third thing is also to let your mind relax. Through constant sharing with a friend or mentor who understands, the words, comfort and encouragement you hear from such a person can help you shape the way you think. It is not easy to walk alone and every needs a friend to listen.

The last thing is to allow healing to take place in your heart. Love must flow into your heart for that healing to take place. That area of brokeness must be mended by love and the feeling of being valued and prized can bring about that healing and restoration, without which a person cannot be fully healed.

And as a Christian, I know that prayer and worhsip to the Lord Jesus brings freedom and rest to one's mind and soul. God's super- abounding grace brings forth such peace and strength that one can feel recharged and hopeful in life's situation. God's love can provide that anchor and assurance that with Him by your side every second of the day... the rest of your questions and doubts are answered!!

God Bless!

He Offered His Love and His Life

If you are a King... mighty and powerful... having the authority to command all the forces in the world to do as you say....having the influence and the wisdom to answer all of life's questions... what would you offer to this world that we are living in today?

If you are someone who has the power to create and call things into existence those that are not.... and has the power to destroy all things you find displeasing in your sight.... what would you do to this world that we are living in today?

This world of joy, pain, peace, strife, laughter, tears, wealth, poverty, different religious and world views, different practices and beliefs... is the real world we live in.

What will you if you are an omnipotent individual choose to offer?

Well... let me share with you what the Lord Jesus Christ chose to offer..

The Lord Jesus Christ, the creator of heaven and earth, having considered all these chose to offer His love and His life to a world that is seeking these within themselves.

When you are feeling down and alone, look to the Lord and find His presence with you.

When you have lost someone, look to the Lord and find His comfort.

When you are sick and needs healing, look to the Lord who is your healer and restorer.

When you need love, look to the Lord who can supply all the love that you need and ever will need.

Now you may ask,"" U-jin, it is so easy for you to say this.. what about those dying, those in poverty, those abandoned?"

My friend, when you and I are being touched by God's love, we shall go forth in kind and in deeds to these people.

The Lord meant for you and I to go forth and bring His healing to the nations. Give your money, time and expertise to help wipe our sysmatic poverty today with God's love.

To the world that is lost .... The Lord offered his life. "I am the Ressurection and the Life. Whoever believes in Me will live" John 11:25

To the world that needs shelter and protection, the Lord offers his love. "For God so loved the world that He gave his only beloved son, that whosever believes in in will not perish but have eternal life" John 3:16

He offered His love and His Life to this world that we live in.

God Bless!

How Do I Walk Through Pain With Someone?

Have you been through life see a friend feeling pain for a considerable amount of time?

Pain causes a person to see things in a whole new way. It can remove pride, gives you strength and helps you move closer to God. Growing in wisdom and inner strength through its experience.

Pain may also have negative effects.... It may create more negative thoughts, develop a low level of self-esteem, develop a sense of isolation, makes a person more moody and easily irritated.

And the positive and negative effects of pain can both take place at the same time in a person's life.

"Nobody understands!" Thats what he/she will say... True isnt it? Nobody really understands unless they go through it before or if they choose to walk alongside with you to listen and to contemplate, putting themselves in your shoes rather than from their own perspective.

It involves time and also trust both in the person who is going through it and also for the person who is walking alongside you. It involves looking beyond the person with the pain, and see the transformed life that this pain, if properly dealt with , can do in his/her life.

Words of correction should be given in a creative way. More than 70 percent of people I know are not receptive to such direct and harsh words when they are in the center of such a struggle because the opposite side does not fully consider and understand things surrounding such a behaviour or situation. Things like family culture, their background, work pressures , the pain that coexists with these.

I have learnt recently that before i give advise to anyone, I need to consider the things that are happening to him/her. Her family situation, her background, her level of understanding, the pressures he/she faces and the best approach to communicate.

It is always easier to put your experience and knowledge and apply it to a given scenario, but it takes prayer and contemplation to know what to say and how to say it. Thats why King Soloman asked the Lord for an understanding heart, that He can rule his Kingdom with justice and stability.

An understanding heart puts one into the persons shoes, as if living his/her life... and then see through thoese eyes into the world and situation he/she is describing.

Then advice and instructions with love can come through better and more effective. Winning the person over rather than challenge I believe should be the approach in this season of pain.

Comfort and advice in the same way the Lord offer that to you.

I also believe that pain is good but dont expect a person to always take it well when he/she is going through it. King David said in the psalms that he wrote, that even though he was a Brute Beast, the Lord holds his hand.

The Lord loves us even when we go through pain. He doesnt rejects us or blames us when we struggle and become rebellious. To Him, it is better to have you by His side with your struggles then to not have you at all.

He offers strength and comfort in hope that one day You and I will rise up and be strong!! You will see the light in the midst of your pain one day... our tears will be turned into Joy!